Ultraviolet ray and therapy
Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than visible light but longer then soft x-rays. It can be subdivided into:
- near UV (NUV) 200-400nm wavelength,
- far or vacuum UV (FUV@VUV) 10-200nm,
- extreme or deep UV (EUV@XUV) 1-31nm.
Mechanism of action is:
- Penetrating
- Ionizing
When considering the effect of UV radiation on human health and the enviroment, the range of UV light is often subdivided into Long Wave or "blacklight" UVA (320-400nm), Medium Wave UVB (280-320nm) and Short Wave or "Germicidal" UVC.
Beneficial effects:
A positive effect of UVB light is that it induces the production of vit D in the skin. It has been estimated that tens of thousands of premature deaths occur in the US annually from a range of cancer due to insufficiency of UVB exposure (via Vit D deficiency). Another effect of Vit D insufficiency is osteomalacia (rickets), whc can result in bone pain, difficulty in weight bearing and sometimes fractures.
UV radiation has another medical application, in the treatment of skin condition such as psoriasis and vitiligo. UVB and UVA radiation can be used, in conjunction with psoralens (PUVA Rx). In case of psoriasis and vitiligo UV light with wavelength of 311nm is most effective.
Low dose laser therapy
Physical factor: monochromatic, coherent, polarized, focused/directional electromagneticwave
- Unknown but is said to be due to activation of molecule.
- Reactivation of anti-oxidant system à free radicals
- ATP system syntesis
- Phagocytosis and Lymphocytic activity
- Collagen Production
- ATP system syntesis
- Local
- General
- When blood irradiate by laser light
- Blood radiation:
- Extravessel – transfuse + irrad from ptt
- Intravessel – into vein
- Supravessel – direct above large vessel
- Extravessel – transfuse + irrad from ptt
- General:
- Chronic inlfm D
- BA
- Local:
- Wound healing
- Inc speed of healing
- Antibacteria action
- Stimulation of bio process
- Stimulation of nerve regeneration
Contra indication:
- MI, angina pectoris coz it has analgesic action whc can leads to silent ischemic
- Irradiation on eyes coz it can leads to retina damage. (NB! Wear dark glasses during procedure).
Infrared Therapy
Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation with wave length longer than visible light but shorter than radio waves. The name means "below red" (from Latin infra, "below"), red being the color of visible light of longest wavelength. IR spanning Three orders of magnitude.
λ = 100nm – 1mm
- Low level (T˚ only incr +0.1 ©C)
- Cosmetic procedures
- Surgery, coagulation (low modality)